Here it goes...

Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 by Chase in

(8th-Jan-2009) Well, today's the day, the first day of second semester classes. So far things are going well. My room is finally back in order and clean. I have a decent schedule this semester, and its finally competition season! School-wise, today should be a breeze. I don't know the reasoning behind this but my math teacher gave us a class drop for today. So today I only have two classes and a decent break between them. Tomorrow will be a bit busier, but on the plus side, we leave for our first competition tomorrow! Getting ready for my first competition as a college gymnast is big. Its a big step in my gymnastics career and something I have always wanted to do. I'm really hoping that our competition schedule will keep this semester moving along and hopefully pass the time quicker. My mom and brother are coming up here in a week to watch me compete and I can't wait to see them. Its only been a couple of weeks but I miss them. Any chance to see my family is great. I'm really hoping that I get to spend time with them over that weekend and that I am not too terribly busy. Now that I understand the school and living situation here at West Point, I am feeling a lot better about this semester than I was about the first one. Things should go much smoother and grades should be much better.