Overcoming Adversity and Hardships with Brotherhood

Posted: Monday, January 24, 2011 by Chase in

This is a subject that I've been trying to write about for a while now, but just couldn't really find the words to put down for it. This last semester has been one of the most difficult and trying times of my life, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically but it is minuscule compared to what my teammate Andrew has gone through. His attitude, determination and will to succeed has been a driving force that has propelled me to work even harder and has taught me to never give up, no matter what the circumstances. Gymnastics as a sport is inherently dangerous, and we practice this sport under that realization. It still blows my mind to see and know how quickly things can happen in this sport, both good and bad. One of my close friends and teammates, Andrew Avelino, suffered an injury that has become something that no one ever expected. Moved between three different hospitals during the days and weeks after his injury, information was slow and scattered about his condition and what plans of action were being taken. I did my best to stay in contact with Andrew, through text message, to let him know that we were all praying for him and to get updates as I could from him. We heard from him and the coaches, some of the scenarios that could possibly happen but prayed for an alternative.The morning I received a text message from Andrew saying what the doctors had decided to amputate his foot was the last thing I ever expected to see on the screen of my phone. As I quickly opened the message before class my mind and body went numb. I couldn't believe that what I was reading was true, it couldn't be. I sat through the next 55 minutes of class my mind and heart racing, not knowing what to think or say to him. What do you say? As soon as class was over I hurried back to my room and picked up the phone, I had to talk to someone or I might just lose it. I quickly called my mom and as soon as she picked up the phone I lost it. Every emotion I had experienced throughout those past 3 weeks, fear, nervousness, worry, guilt all came out at once as I told my mom what I had just seen on the screen from Andrew. Sitting in my room, one the phone with my mom, barely able to get a word out, tears rolling down my face was one of the most difficult things I have had to experience. I can only look up to Andrew, who throughout this entire situation has been nothing but strong, positive, and encouraging to the rest of us; he truly is an inspiration and the embodiment of such a strong character that I can only hope to have.

My teammates and I had a really hard time coping with Andrew's situation but through prayer, faith, and a strong bond of friendship and family have been able to get one another through this hard time and continue to strive toward our team goals with a new motivation to reach them.

During hard situations, you always hear people say that everything happens for a reason. I'm not going to lie, I had my doubts about that phrase during this last semester. How could something so bad, happen to such a good person? I just couldn't rationalize it in my head. It took a lot of prayers and time alone thinking to really realize that everything does happen for a reason, and while we may not see it now, God works in mysterious and miraculous ways that will ultimately find their way into existence.

Andrew, I am still amazed at your determination and attitude, you have really shown me what it means to be strong. I wish only the best for you, because you deserve it, and can't wait to have you back at the Academy and on the team with us. Stay strong and Smash Hard!