0 And A Butt...

Posted: Friday, May 25, 2012 by Chase in

Woah. This is it. Just heard the plebes call the 10th minute for Graduation Parade Formation. For me. Graduation is tomorrow morning and I'll finally be the one sitting down on the field. Where did the time go?! It's so crazy to think back over the last 4 years and everything that has happened. I've done more than I ever thought I would do; seen things I'd never thought I'd get to see; and met people who have made a profound impact on my life and will be those friends you never forget about. Graduation has seemed like such a far off event at West Point. Sitting way up in the stands at the stadium, just dreaming about the day that you'd be down there throwing your hat in the air. Well, that day is tomorrow. There's such a mix of emotions going on today and tonight--I still don't think it's completely sunk it. I'm so excited to be able to call myself a college graduate, a West Point Alum, and a 2LT in the greatest Army in the world. I'm nervous because this is my first steps into a new chapter of my life. New home, new job, and new dreams and ambitions waiting to be realized and seized. This past year especially has been one heck of a roller coaster. From going through a year of "lasts", to finally retiring from the sport that has been my life for 16 years, to the ups and downs of applying to medical school-it's all some of the most challenging but also the most rewarding years of my life. God has done some truly spectacular things in my life these past few days and I can only thank Him for being with me throughout this journey over the past 4 years. He's taught me so much and is still teaching me things today. Just goes to show you that West Point is the only place to learn from here) In less than 24 hours I'll be having the infamous waffles and ice-cream breakfast and getting ready to walk into Michie Stadium. Receiving that diploma and commission are the crowning jewels of the 47 month experience that is West Point. That hat will be thrown in the air, and then its off to change into those Army Blues for the first time as a commissioned officer. I cannot wait for tomorrow- to spend it with my family- and to venture into the next chapter of my life and what God has in store for me. Well that's it folks. The official last post of Cadet Chase Brown. The next one will come with a shorter (albeit more impressive) surname. As soon as things wind down and I can settle down away from West Point - I'll post again about the day and the road ahead. ...AND THE FIRST CLASS IS SO SHORT!

And the First Class is So Short....

Posted: Friday, February 3, 2012 by Chase in

113 Days....That's it. It blows my mind to think that we are nearing 100th Night and our last hurdle until graduation. Military careers are decided as of last night and the 4 years of uncertainty about where we would end up is finally gone. I'm in a bit of a unique situation but I remain confident that my Med School aspirations ARE going to come to fruition. I've been presented with two amazing career possibilities for myself after graduation. My #1 possibility is attending LSU Medical School this fall to start my career as an Army Doctor. After months of waiting, uncertainty, hardship, and being told no, things are finally coming together and the ball is rolling once again. I have made it through the first two stages of application and am heading to New Orleans in March for my official interview- and I couldn't be more excited! I can't think of anything that I've wanted more in life and to see these things coming together is amazing. So graduating West Point in May, packing up and heading back down South to move into an apartment in New Orleans to start Med School sounds like heaven. Still hoping and praying for this to work its way out and that my dream will be realized!

Option #2 is just as exciting. If for some reason Med School doesn't work out, I will commission as a 2LT in the Military Intelligence Branch of the Army. Last night the class of 2012 selected their first duty assignment and accompanying unit. I was able to get my first choice to join the Aviation Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division in Ft. Hood, Texas! To be attached as an intelligence officer to an Aviation Brigade sounds like an awesome job and if this is where I am meant to be, I cannot wait!

It's so crazy to see all of this coming together, I remember being a plebe and watching the firsties get their branch and post and had no idea that it would be me this soon! It's flown by but been such a great journey. I wouldn't trade these last four years for anything. They've definitely had their ups and downs but overall its been a great experience and something I'll have with me for the rest of my life.