Pausing to Reflect

Posted: Monday, October 24, 2011 by Chase in

I was in the middle of getting ready for bed but couldn't shake a thought out of my mind. Not too sure why it is on my mind all of the sudden but I'm sure God is speaking to me and trying to let me know something. I haven't blogged about this yet but something happened this summer that I never expected I would have to deal with so soon. I spent five weeks this summer here at West Point as a Platoon Leader for Cadet Basic Training. A little less than a week after finishing my leadership detail and flying home to start my long awaited summer vacation, I got a call from one of my CBT squad leaders. He told me that one of our New Cadets died during Land Navigation training. The thought of a New Cadet at West Point dying during Basic Training was probably the furthest thought from my mind and something I thought was highly unlikely to ever occur. One of my own, one of the brilliant, hardworking and dedicated young men who had made the same decision as myself to serve our nation had passed away only 3 weeks from finishing his basic training. I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought. The instant flood of several emotions was evident. Sadness, confusion, disbelief, hurt, guilt, all hitting me at once. How did this happen? What caused it? Was there something that we could have done to prevent it while I was in charge? Was it something I did while in charge? All of these questions plague my mind for the next several days as I impatiently wait for details to surface about the situation and what exactly happened. The situation ended up being accidental and not a cause of anyone or any particular action. One uncertainty was resolved but that did not remedy the fact that it had happened. You always hear about soldiers and officers losing peers, superiors, and subordinates in combat and how hard it is to deal with, and because it seems so distant I guess we don't think on it too much as Cadets. This situation really opened my mind to the reality and gravity of the situation and how difficult it can be to handle and deal with. It is something that does not receive much attention here at the Academy and left me and my CBT chain of command at a loss for words or actions on the situation and how to react to it.

I still couldn't seem to figure out why he was on my mind last night. It was almost nagging at me, asking me to give attention to the thought but I didn't know how or why. It is so amazing how God works. I, at a loss for words and further explanation, abandoned the post last night at the end of the previous paragraph. I told myself I'd come back to it when I've had more time to think about it. I was just about to go to bed again tonight when I decided to check my Facebook one last time before shutting the computer down and there it was, black and white, right in front of me. My mom, 30 minutes ago, posted the following on her FB which subsequently showed up on my news feed.

I firmly believe that this was exactly the reason why Jacob was on my mind. It was hard for me to understand WHY Jacob was taken so soon. WHY someone so honest, hardworking, and strong in his faith could be the taken suddenly away from this Earth. This verse lays it out plain and simple. God has a plan for everyone and everything. God was protecting Jacob from the evils of this world and what is to come. Jacob no longer has to deal with the evil and pain and suffering of this world. He is at peace and spending his eternity with our Lord in heaven. I was almost in shock when I read my mom's post, although I shouldn't at all be surprised. God had a reason for putting Jacob on my mind and for my mom posting that verse. It is so we do not forget His unyielding love and desire for His people to be at peace. It is so those of us still here on Earth don't forget why we are here and what we have been called to do. It is our purpose to serve Him wholeheartedly and to be His hands and feet to the world around us so that everyone would have the chance to be apart of the everlasting peace that is in Jesus Christ.

Jacob, you are still on my mind. You have not been forgotten. You will never be forgotten. It was an honor to be able to work with you and get to know you for what little time it was. You have made an impression on me and those around you that will remain with us always.