If At First You Don't Succeed...

Posted: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 by Chase in

...try, try, again. Never has that saying been so true for me. This afternoon I got the official word that I have qualified on the Floor Exercise to compete at the 2011 NCAA National Championships. Making it to this competition is something I have dreamed about since I was a kid; wishing that someday I would be good enough to compete at such an amazing competition. My first NCAA championships to watch was in 2006 in Oklahoma. I was there for Regionals and we were able to go watch the college competition. Now, 5 years later, I'll be the one competing. Crazy.

The gymnastics road to where I am today was far from easy. My college career has been FULL of ups and downs. Really high highs, and REALLY low lows. Having such a close team and close group of friends and family has been one of the strongest factors I've had to rely on to get me through those hard times and to keep me pushing for that goal. Broken hand plebe year was a huge setback, but I was able to recover and push forward. Leg injuries yuk year seemed to plague my entire season, I didn't think the pain would go away. Still, I was able to push through and continue on. Finally cow year, a season that still had its ups and downs, was something completely different. (More or less) Pain/Injury free, consistent, and a serious competitor all year long. It felt good to be consistent again, hitting the skills and routines that I knew I could do. All the hard work is paying off; I have reached my goal and am looking forward to expanding on that goal next week in Columbus, Ohio.

If at first you don't succeed, try , try again. Definitely words to live by.